Monday, July 2, 2012

Grandma Miles' Lime Pickles

Simply the best. :)

7 pounds of cucumbers sliced, not peeled

Dissolve 2 cups of lime in 2 gallons of water and soak cucumbers in the water for 24 hours. Wash thoroughly several times. Let stand 3 hours in cold water. Drain well. (Do not use a metal pan. The lime is not nice to metal. An old-fashioned pottery crock is best for soaking.)

Bring the following to a boil and pour over the cucumbers and let set overnight:

2 quarts vinegar
1 tsp. whole cloves 
1 teaspoon celery seed
1 tablespoon salt
4 pounds of sugar

(put the cloves and celery seed in a cheesecloth bag to keep the cloves from leaving dark spots on the cucumbers and to remove them easier before canning)

Reheat cucumbers and fluid til the fluid is clear (20-30 minutes) and water bath can.

Strawberry Angel Food Cake

Bake 1 large angel food cake as directed.  When cool, tear into bite size pieces.

Dissolve 2 small packages of strawberry Jell-o in 2 1/2 cups of hot water.

Add 2 10 oz. packages of frozen whole strawberries.  Cool mixture until syrupy.

Fold in 1 8 oz. carton Cool Whip.

Fold the cake pieces into the jello mixture.

Place in a large pretty glass bowl or individual dessert cups.

Cool until ready to serve.